1 燃气炉具 Appliances Burning Gaseous Fuels (AppliGas) ;
2 载人的索道装置 Cableway Installations to Carry Persons;
3 低电压电气设备 Low Voltage Electrical Equipment;
4 建筑产品 Construction Products;
5 使用于具有爆炸性环境中的设备和防护系统 Equipment and Protective Systems for Used in
Potentially Explosive Atmospheres (Atex);
6 民用爆破器材 Explosives for Civil Uses;
7 燃烧液体或气体燃料的热水锅炉 Hot Water Boilers
8 家用电冰箱或电冷柜 Household Refrigerators & Freezers
9 升降机 Lift
10 机械 Machinery
11 航海设备 Marine Equipment
12 (普通)医疗器械 Medical Devices
13 主动可植入医疗器械 Active Implantable Medical Devices
14 体外诊断医疗器械 In Vitro Diagnostic Medical Devices
15 非自动称量仪器 Non-automatic Weighing Instruments
16 无线电及电信终端设备 Radio Equipment & Telecommunications Terminal
Equipment (R&TTE)
17 个人防护设备 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
18 简单压力容器 Simple Pressure Vessels
19 压力设备 Pressure Equipment
20 休闲用船只 Recreational Craft
21 玩具 Toys
22 跨欧洲高速列车系统 Trans-European Conventional Rail System